Client Profile

We customize each session to match each client’s unique look and personality. Your answers will help us begin the creative process to give you the experience you’ve always wanted. Please try to answer fully.

Your Look

This section helps us plan the best poses and lighting to match your look. All answers are kept confidential.
Please use images you think will be helpful for us to best identify your body type or any areas you'd like emphasized/hidden (ex. tattoos, scars, etc.)

Your Preferences

Help us get yo know your experience and wants for your session.
NOTE: We ALWAYS will consult with you first. We respect your privacy 110%.
Please send a photo ID containing your birth date (driver's license, passport, college student ID, etc.)
Please note that attached images may take a moment to upload. Be patient depending on your internet speed 🙂 If you still have issues, attach them to the confirmation email you receive after submitting this form.